Collective Heartbeat

Collective Heartbeat

At Body in Process, we support your movement toward a more vibrant version of yourself through the practice of minimalism. By joining our community you will create a new relationship with consumption while you master a simplified eating practice. Desiring less is a natural side effect of eating less. We share our progression with one another through a simple, self-paced system. As you rest into the wisdom of your COSMIC BODY DESIGN, you will realize that wellness and radiance have always been there. Constant consumption cannot compare to the feeling of connection created by caring for our bodies.  

You're it!...the solution to all of your health problems and by DIVINE DESIGN, many of the social and environmental problems in our world. Consistently show up to take the next step and you will begin to create a more enjoyable embodied experience. Your success will ripple out onto a planet in desperate need of regeneration. 

The simplicity of living on less transforms and reawakens our inner knowing that we are co creating the life we live on Earth with a DIVINE PRESENCE supporting us in every moment. The changes we want to see around us begin within us!

*___* PLEASE NOTE *___*

It Is important to reflect on this material before beginning the process. Allow the changes you make to be slow and gradual as this path will challenge every aspect of your life.